Jajica enjoys its picturesque nature in terms of beautiful mountains, pure air, clear lakes, and its waterfalls, which are among the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and indeed in Europe and the entire world.

The city of Jajica, or the City of Kings, is located in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, 160 kilometers northwest of Sarajevo, and has a population of 45 thousand people. The city of Jajce rises 470 meters above sea level, and the Pliva and Vrbas rivers pass through it. It was founded by Hrvoje Vukcic Hrvatinic, who was a medieval Bosnian nobleman and Duke of Split. Jajce was first built in the 14th century and served as the capital of the independent Kingdom of Bosnia during that time. The town has gates as fortifications, as well as a castle with walls that lead to the various gates around the town. The historical and cultural richness of the city of Jajetsa lies in the presence of 24 national monuments, including the Poreč Fortress, the Orthodox Church (St. John), the Sefert Maria Church, which includes the bell tower, the Women’s Mosque, the Avnoj Museum, the Asma Sultania Mosque, the Royal Cemetery (Kraljev Group), and other historical monuments.

Pliva lake and Watermills

Pliva Lake and water mills Pliva Lakes and Pliva Waterfall are two of the most impressive natural landscapes in central Bosnia and Herzegovina.

About Pliva Lakes Pliva Lakes are two natural lakes on the Pliva River in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Central Bosnia Canton. The closest major town is Jajce, which lies approximately 5.5 kilometers east. The twin lakes, one large (Veliko Plivsko) and one small (Malo Plivsko), are formed where the river Pliva widens on its course to Jajce. In town, it meets the Vrbas River and spills out into the impressive Pliva Waterfall.

Jajce Waterfalls

This historic waterfall attracts a large number of local visitors, tourists, and jumpers for the International Yaitsa Waterfall Jumping Competition. The waterfall is considered one of the ten most beautiful waterfalls in the world and is one of the rare waterfalls located in the center of the city.

The city is famous for its picturesque waterfall, which is located at the confluence of the Pliva River and the Vrbas River. The height of the waterfall was estimated at 30 meters, but during the Bosnian War, the area was flooded, and the length of the waterfall was reduced to 20 meters. These floods are believed to have been caused by an earthquake or attacks on hydroelectric power plants upriver. A viewing platform (adult/child 4/2 KM) has been built opposite the waterfall’s base, accessed from stairs that start between the bus station and petrol station. In the first week of August, daredevils leap from the waterfall in an annual competition featuring around 30 professional divers.

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